%%Question Quest A - question1 [oc] -- answer1 -- answer2 Quest B ... %The previous listing demonstrates the basic syntax of a question tree. There, 2 questionnaires (Quest A and Quest B) are defined; Quest A contains one question which in turn provides 2 answer possibilities.
Symbol | Type |
[text] | textual question |
[oc] | one-choice question: exactly one answer from a given answer range is to be chosen by the user. Every answer alternative of such a question has to be defined in a separate line subsequent to the question (indented by a further hyphen, see example). |
[mc] | multiple-choice question: here, the user can chose more than one answer from the given answer alternatives. Definition: see one-choice question. |
[num] | numerical question: the numerical answer value is entered by the user. For numerical questions it is possible to additionally define the unit (in curly braces) and the range of values (in parentheses) - see example below. |
[yn] | yes/no question: special case of a one-choice question with given answers yes and no |
<abstract> | abstraction question: an abstraction question (similar to abstraction rules) is not displayed within a dialog for the user to answer it; rather its answer value is derived from previously provided answers. It is essential that the abstraction flag is the last declaration in a line. |
Question Types: Example
%%Question - one choice question1 [oc] -- answer1 -- answer2 - yes no question [yn] -- yes -- no - multiple choice question 2 [mc] -- answer 3 -- answer 4 - numerical question 3 [num] {numQuestion_unit} (lowerBound upperBound) - numerical question 4 [num] {numQuestion_unit} (lowerBound upperBound) <abstract> - textual question 5 [text] %
- Year of construction? [num] -- >= 1995 --- Does your car have ABS? [yn] -- < 1995
In the example the follow up question Does your car have ABS? is only presented to the user, if the previous question Year of construction? was answered with a value >= 1995.
The indication of questionnaires is analog, only instead of a question name, a questionnaire name is written in the line following the answer.
Indication caused by established solutions
The indication of questionnaires can also be initiated by derived diagnoses. Therefore, the particular questionnaire (or also more than one) has to be defined in the line following a diagnosis derivation.
- Does your car make trouble? [yn] -- yes --- Problem (P7) ---- Air intake system ---- Ignition timing ---- Air filter ---- Battery --- no ---- perfect(P7)
The previous example shows the indication of the questionnaires Air intake system, Ignition timing, Air filter and Battery, which is caused by the derivation of the superordinate diagnosis Problem.
Repeated indication
If a question is to be indicated multiple times, it still has to be defined (with type and answer alternatives) only once, the first time it is used. At a later point, the keyword &REF can be used in order to reference to the question without having to define it again. If the original definition of the question contains follow up questions, those are also included when the referencing question is used later on.
questionnaire1 - question1 [oc] -- answer0 --- question2 [oc] ---- answer3 ---- answer4 -- answer1 -- answer2 --- &REF question2 ...
The example shows, that question 2 is completely defined the first time needed---after answer 0---and then is referenced later on as a follow up question for answer2.
Through the use of solution derivation within the question tree it becomes a decision tree, as now decisions (that is, solutions) are derived. The solution that is to be derived simply has to be defined (along with the score points that it is to be assigned) in the line succeeding the corresponding answer. An overview of possible score points is presented on the page Doc DiagnosisRule.
- Exhaust pipe color evaluation [oc] -- abnormal --- Clogged air filter (P5) -- normal --- Engine noises [oc] ...
The previous listing shows the derivation of the diagnosis Clogged air filter with the score points P5, if the question Exhaust pipe color evaluation was answered with abnormal.
Derivation of criterion abstractions
Similar to diagnoses, also numerical criterion abstractions (symptom-interpretations) can be evaluated numerically. Here, a value can be set to the present value.
questionnaire - SymptomInterpretation1 [num] <abstract> - question1 [oc] -- answer1 --- SymptomInterpretation1 (-5) -- answer2
In the example, the given value -5 is assigned to the question SymptomInterpretation1.
With respect to the user dialog, questionnaires are not indicated by default. The markup allows for the definition of so-called init questionnaires, i.e., questionnaires that are presented at the beginning of every problem-solving session. The order of the init questionnaires is defined by a hash sign
#following by a number indicating the order of the respective questionnaire. With the following markup, the initial questionnaires '(questionnaire1, questionnaire3, questionnaire2)' are defined:
%%Question questionnaire1 #1 - Question 1 [num] - Question 2 [num] questionnaire2 #3 - Question 5 [num] - Question 6 [num] questionnaire3 #2 - Question 3 [num] - Question 4 [num] %