add project and/or company logo

@progress: CLOSED

add logo from KIT

@progress: CLOSED

Fix error in test  "Leaking air intake system (Demo)". 
@prio: NORMAL

Review this page. 
* Describe: What is a product, application and module?
* Describe actual products / applications

@user: Albrecht Striffler
@progress: CLOSED

Developer How-Tos
* How to develop javascript in KnowWE without restarting after every change

@user: Daniel Zügner
@progress: CLOSED

Developer How-Tos
* How to create your own workspace (transfer and update from uni page)

@user: Daniel Zügner
@progress: CLOSED

Developer How-Tos
* How to add js and css files to your project

@user: Lukas Brehl
@progress: CLOSED

Developer How-Tos
* How do extensions and extensionpoints work
* How do I use the scope of an extension?

@user: Lukas Brehl
@progress: CLOSED

Start this page by adding some headlines, table of contents, some introductory words.
Every How-To gets its own little section with a short description who the How-To shows and then a link to the page with the actual how to
@user: Lukas Brehl
@progress: CLOSED

  Review the FAQ.
  @user: Volker Belli
@progress: CLOSED

SmartCare success story

@user: Tim Baier-Loewenstein
@progress: CLOSED

Set this page up, add table of contents and some introductory words. Every question is its own small headline with the answer directly below.

@user: Christian Henniger
@progress: DEFERRED

Check [http://d3webwiki.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/] for usefull stuff to add to How-Tos and/or FAQ. Go through page index.

@user: Daniel Zügner
@progress: CLOSED