
Das Event wird am 17.12.2012 ab 8:00 Uhr stattfinden. Den Ablauf stellen wir uns wie folgt vor:

8:00 - 9:00 Uhr Vorstellung der einzelnen Webseiten-Bereiche und Arbeitspakete.
Jeder Teilnehmer schnappt sich 1-2 Arbeitspaket(e)
9:00 - 12:30 Uhr Schaffe, schaffe, Webseit' baue
Kontinuierliche Integration, bilaterale Abstimmungen
12:30 - 13:30 Uhr Review der bisherigen Ergebnisse
Neu/Umverteilung der restlichen Aufgaben
Parallel: Mittagessen!!!
ab 13:30 Uhr Schaffe, schaffe, Webseit' baue. Kontinuierliche Integration
bilaterale Abstimmungen
Danach Wir feiern uns selbst (Ausklang bei Glühwein, Sekt, Gebäck, ...)


Namen als Vorschlag

Article Task User
Normal How To DOMSelection Review this page
Normal How To UpdateObserver Review this page
Normal How-To Markup link to page about parsing
Normal Doc PackageCompile Revise package documentation
Normal Publications List publications about d3web (and tools)

Normal How-To Secure A KnowWE Installation This How-To could be extended
Normal Tutorial TODO: Screencasts
# Get Flash-Plugin working again
# Create YouTube-Channel d3web
# Install and run KnowWE
# Use printer fault diagnosis example 2 (use dialog and show reasoning trace)
# Change small knowledge piece in knowledge base (e.g. add one question, change DiaFlux path)

Normal Albrecht Striffler Module description
* Module overview: Matrix of which module influence which product?
Normal D3web Community Event d3web-Community Liste einrichten. Eventuell an der Uni?

Normal D3web Community Event Add tags to all interesting pages, revise tags of existing pages.\\
There should not be more tags than needed, but they still need to be precise.

Normal D3web Community Event Update facebook and twitter with some news, pictures..

Normal How To SubtreeHandler Review the SubtreeHandler HowTo in detail!
Normal How To SubtreeHandler update method signatures (class and method names have changed!?)
Normal How To Use SectionStore Review this page
Normal Modules Under Construction Module-Plugin implementation
* Jenkins-Plugin to upload Plugin/Module information
** https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extend+Jenkins
** SVN: https://svn.jenkins-ci.org/
** Download jenkins war and add to tomcat
** Get hello world plugin and import into new workspace
** Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration does not matter, it is just ugly
** Maven install hello world plugin
** Copy hello-world.jar to WEB-INF\lib
** Copy hello-world.hpi to WEB-INF\plugins
** Start tomcat/jenkins
** Hello world plugin will be available as post step option
** Start implementing new plugin to upload build data to d3web.de page as a attachment
** Some additional code snipplets on how to upload files to a KnowWE Action
** Provide information needed for module pages

Normal HowTo Create Tools Describe the Tool mechansims of KnowWE (DefaultTool, ToolProvider etc.)
Normal Jochen Reutelshöfer Modify Example Plugin:
* Use DefaultMarkup
* Add comments to show up possible changes to adapt the plugin
* Addapt Getting Started
Normal Jochen Reutelshöfer Cleanup Sourceforge
* Licence: LGPL v3
* All links, e.g. on support
* Mailinglists usable?
* Make Albrecht Striffler Admin :)
* Merge

Normal InstalledTagHandlers "KnowWEPlugin listplugins" currently isn't working, added a ticket to bugzilla: https://tickets.denkbares.com/show_bug.cgi?id=543

d3web-Community Liste einrichten. Eventuell an der Uni?
Jochen Reutelshöfer
KnowME auf der sourceforge-d3web Seite entfernen, durch KnowWE ersetzen. Links auf d3web.de
Jochen Reutelshöfer
Add tags to all interesting pages, revise tags of existing pages.
There should not be more tags than needed, but they still need to be precise.
Constantin Rieder
Update facebook and twitter with some news, pictures..
Joachim Baumeister