[{TableOfContents }]

!!! Definition

The ExpectedSparqlResult markup allows to define an expected result set for some sparql query. Then the CI-Test ''SparqlResultTable'' (see [Doc CIDashboard]) can be used to test a query against an expected result set. 

%% ExpectedSparqlResult...

After the SPARQL statement the following annotations can be inserted:

|| Annotation	|| Description	
|  @name	|  Assignes a name to this ExpectedSparqlResult markup expression. The name can/should be used as reference for the test object in the definition of the corresponding SparqlResultTable test in the CI-Dashboard .	
|  @zebramode	|  Renders the result table in zebra-style (gray/white).	
|  @border	|  A visual border is painted around the result table cells.	
|  @rawOutput	|  No abbreviations are used in the result table, but the full content (of literals for example) is printed.	
|  @showQuery	|  Besides the results of the query, also the query is shown in the view mode of the wiki.	
|  @sorting	|  The result table is sorted.	

!!! Example

The sparql markup allows full support of the SPARQL 1.1. query language specification, which can be found here: [http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/]

The following simple example shows a query selecting all instances of the class Person:

  ?x rdf:type lns:Person .
@name: exampleQuery
@zebramode: true
@border: true 

In the view mode the results of the query are shown.

!!! See also

* [InlineSparql|Doc InlineSparql]