!!! Introduction
This page summarizes the different types of knowledge formalization that are provided by KnowWE. \\
To organize... TODO
In KnowWE, knowledge-bases for diagnostic problem-solving can be created ad-hoc in the wiki. 

!!! Defining a Knowledge Base

A new knowledge base is defined by the {{KnowledgeBase}} Markup. The following example defines a new knowledge base with the id {{CAR_FAULTS_DEMO_ID}} having the specified comment. 
All knowledge defined in the package "demo" are included in this knowledge base.
With the optional annotation 'filename' you can specify a filename of the knowledge base when downloaded from the wiki. Otherwise, the name of the knowledge base is used as filename.

Car faults diagnosis
@Author: joba
@Affiliation: denkbares GmbH
@Status: BETA
@Version: 21
@Comment: Example car fault diagnosis knowledge base.
@uses: demo
@filename: demo.d3web

That way, all knowledge defined throughout the wiki is included, when it is declared in the package "demo".
Please note, that any knowledge markup ends in the default package "default", until it is defined otherwise.  

!!! Terminology knowledge
* Questions: Use {{%%Question}} - see [Defining questions|Doc Questions] for a detailed information.
* Solutions: Use {{%%Solution}} - see [Defining solutions|Doc Solutions] for a detailed information.

!!! Derivation knowledge
* Decision Trees Use {{%%Question}} - see [Defining questions|Doc Questions] for a detailed information.
* Rules Use {{%%Rule}} - see [Defining rules|Doc Rules] for a detailed information.
* Set-covering knowledge Use {{%%CoveringList}} - see [Defining set-covering knowledge|Doc CoveringList] for a detailed information.

!!! Useful Advices

We strongly recommend to make extensive use of copy & paste to avoid typos that could lead to misinterpretation or malfunctions. 

Once you have begun to define some knowledge - say, for example, a question hierarchy - you may use copy & paste to insert question names wherever you need them (e.g., in rules...). That way you can ensure an identical naming.

''An exact accordance of the names throughout all knowledge definitions is a required condition for a correct problem-solving behavior. ''

 Documentation knowledgebase question solution rule coveringList xcl