!!! What's the time line?

The time line offers the possibility to search for specific values in test cases. These values are displayed on a time bar. They can either be displayed as an event (if start and end time are identical) or period (if start and end time are different). 
It's possible to run the correspondent test case until such an event/period starts. Therefore it's possible to search for relevant data and gather chronological information.

!!! How to use the time line?

@uses demo

An almost empty time line is displayed.

!!! Query Language

You need a simple query language to display single events/periods on the time bar.

Every line of code between



@uses demo

corresponds to a line on the time bar which shows appropriate events/periods.

Temperature < 20
@uses demo


For all following examples it can be assumed that the test case contains data about the temperature inside (INTEMP) and outside (OUTTEMP) of a car.  

!!Less/Greater than
{{{    <
XXX = WERT FOR X min/sec/h

| INTEMP >= 5   | Displays all values of INTEMP on the time bar, which are greater than five. Sequel events where INTEMP wasn't < 5, are combined to one episode.
| INTEMP < 5 FOR 10 min | Displays all values of INTEMP on the time bar when INTEMP was over a period of 10 minutes less than five.