
Droid3web is an application that allows running problem-solving sessions on Android smart phones.

! Features
The __main features__ of the app are:
* Choose from various knowledge bases stored on the phone
* Download additional knowledge bases
** using traditional URLs
** using QR-Codes (provided by KnowWE)
* Run problem-solving sessions
* Pause sessions and restart them
* Support for various media files, including videos and images

! Requirements
* Android (min. 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich)
* Some free RAM (depending on the knowledge base)

! Download

A new version of this application is currently in development.

! Screenshots of the old version

[{Image src='droid3web.png' height='400px' caption='Teaser image of Droid3web 2' align='left' style='margin-right:25px, border:1px solid black;'}]

[{Image src='export_02.jpg' height='400px' align='left' caption='Answering questions in a knowledge session.' style='margin-right:25px, border:1px solid black;' }]

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