%%(color: red)
__Deprecated! Needs review.__

Using the store is quite simple. Any Object can be stored for a specific KDOM-id and a (unique) key. 

The method you should use to store something is:
%%prettify {{{
KnowWEUtils.storeObject(KnowWEArticle article, Section<?> s, String key, Object o)
The method to look up stored information is:
%%prettify {{{
KnowWEUtils.getStoredObject(KnowWEArticle article, Section<?> s, String key)

* Be sure that you use the identical section for lookup as for storing (e.g., not a father or child section)!
* The store will survive page-edits if this particular section does not change
* The store for a section will be reseted when the section has changed via page edit


__''Example is deprecated!''__

The following example is taken from the XMLSectionFinder:
KnowWEUtils.storeSectionInfo(article.getWeb(), article.getTitle(), sectionKDOMid, XMLSectionFinder.ATTRIBUTE_MAP_STORE_KEY, parameterMap);

Here the object ''parameterMap'' is stored for a given web, article-title, KDOM-id and a key.
The following method shows how this object can be retrieved again from the store:

public static Map<String, String> getAttributeMapFor(Section s) {
	KnowWEArticle article = s.getArticle();
	if (article != null) {
		return (Map<String, String>) KnowWEUtils.getStoredObject(article.getWeb(),
					article.getTitle(), s.getId(), XMLSectionFinder.ATTRIBUTE_MAP_STORE_KEY);
	return null;

''Hint:'' Be sure to use the correct web, article-title, KDOM-id and key you've used to store the desired object.