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__Deprecated! Needs review.__
!!! How to write new types for KnowWE

If you dont know what a KnowWE type is, first have a look: [KnowWEType]

!! The class AbstractKnowWEObjectType
This class implements KnowWEObjectType and also contains some helpfull features implemented. 
Some more default-implementations for optional methods are given in its subclass DefaultAbstractKnowWEObjectType,
which is recommened for use (see below).

!! Extend the class DefaultAbstractKnowWEObjectType
This class should be extended when introducing new types to KnowWE (e.g., in a module).
To enable real use of the type in the KDOMs of the pages at least a parsing-component, a [SectionFinder], needs to be specified.
This SectionFinder gets parts of the text and marks/allocates sections within this text that should be created as a section-node of the type.
Further, if the types needs to have some specific look in the page view a [KnowWEDomRenderer] can be specified.

Here the example for a TableLineType is given, using the init() method to specify SectionFinder, Renderer and children-types:
public class TableLine extends DefaultAbstractKnowWEObjectType {
	protected void init() 
		childrenTypes.add(new TableCell());
		sectionFinder = new TableLineSectionFinder( this );
		setCustomRenderer(new TableLineRenderer());


On system initialization time the init method is called. ''childrenTypes'', ''sectionFinder ''and ''setCustomRenderer''are inherited from (''Default)AbstractKnowWEObjectType''. TableCell is a KnowWEType again and adding this to the children list denotes, that every TableLine will be split into TableCells. The ''sectionFinder'' sets the parsing-component for the local type. Thus, the ''TableLineSectionFinder ''should recognize Table-lines. The text-sections recognized by the SectionFinder are the text-content of the nodes of the corresponding type.
Further, a custom renderer is set, that specifies how a table-line should be renderered.
Being copied from the KnowWE source, this Type is full functional (given correct implementations of ''TableCell'', ''TableLineSectionFinder ''and ''TableLineRenderer'').

!! About SectionFinders
Writing the SectionFinders for the new types typically is most of the overall work. If it is not absolutely necessary to have a custom syntax it is much less work to either use TagHandlers [HowToWriteATagHandler] or to use XML-syntax, for which parser components are already contained in KnowWE [HowToWriteXMLTypes].