! Preliminaries

KnowWE is commonly used to develop and maintain a knowledge base. 
Later, the built knowledge base is deployed and used in the context of a larger application.
For this reason, it becomes important to load knowledge bases and run problem-solving sessions without the KnowWE context.

The following notes explain how to develop your own Eclipse project with all plugins required to run a d3web application.

! Create your Eclipse Project

Fix external link. The link gets corrupted by a Plugin-In or JSPWiki... 

Fix list. Probably a JSPWiki-Markup Bug... 

# Simply start a new Java project and create (if not already done) a new folder "lib".
# Copy all d3web jars (including necessary foreign jars) into the lib folder (these jars can be easily accessed from d3web/bin/lib in the actual [KnowWE Distribution|http://sourceforge.net/projects/d3web/])
# Java Project Properties: Project->Build Path->Libraries: Add all jars as Jar libraries to the project

! Some Demo Code

In your own code, you are first required to load the plugins for the knowledge base persistence etc.; this is accomplished by the {{JPFPluginManager}}. 

private void demo() throws IOException {
    // Initializing the plugins for the persistence 
    // retrieve all relevant plugins in folder "lib"
    File[] files = getAllJPFPlugins("lib");
    // Alternatively: just pass the folder and ignore warnings 
    // when file not a jpf plugin
    // JPFPluginManager.init("lib");
    // Loading the knowledge base and do some retrieval of solutions and questions
    PersistenceManager persistenceManager = PersistenceManager.getInstance();
    String knowledgeFilename = "/temp/d.jar";
    // Load knowledge base
    KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = persistenceManager.load(new File(knowledgeFilename ));

    List<Solution> solutions = knowledgeBase.getSolutions();

    List<Question> questions = knowledgeBase.getQuestions();

private File[] getAllJPFPlugins(String libFolder) {
    List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>();
    for (File file  : new File(libFolder).listFiles()) {
        if (file.getName().contains("-jpf-plugin"))
    return fileList.toArray(new File[fileList.size()]);

For further code, for instance, how to run a problem-solving session, we refer to [How-To Create a Session].
howto Stand-Alone