All open source parts of d3web and KnowWE are developed under the [GNU Lesser General Public License 3|]

d3web-KnowWE contains various dependencies. On this page we list the licences and dependencies they are used for.
* [GNU Lesser General Public License 3|]
** d3web KnowWE
** JPF
** PlantUML
* [GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1|]
** JGraphT
* [Apache 2.0|]
** log4j
** jspwiki
** commons
** poi
** spring
* [BSD|]
** hamcrest
** xmlunit
* [EPL|]
** RDF4J
* [GraphDB-Free-License|]
** graphdb-free-runtime
* [JDOM Project License|]
** jdom
* [JUnit Project License|]
** JUnit
* [MIT|]
** javaxdelta
** jQuery
* [SLF4J|]
** slf4j