Success Story - Cataract
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Continuous Medical Cataract Knowledge#

The WISSKONT project considers the creation of an intelligent information system in the medical domain of cataract surgery. The system is currently under development and it will support the ophtalmologist during the treatment process before, in-between, and after the cataract surgery. That way, the system needs to present relevant knowledge of the domain, which is integrated at varying degrees of formality. For instance, textbook content with images describe particular aspects of a treatment process, whereas temporal relations of the treatment phases are represented by ontological annotations. Here, informal content is correlated by ontological relations. In consequence, a semantic search mechanism provides the presentation of the relevant information at any stage of the treatment process. Additionally, for a number of decision tasks occurring during the treatment, distinct decision-support modules are created, e.g., the selection of an appropriate lens for the surgery based on the patient’s parameters. The integration of formalized and informal knowledge allows the ophtalmologist to verify the recommendations of the knowledge base by analyzing the comprehensive support information provided with the recommendation.

The WISSKONT project is part of the WISSASS project, a cooperation of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (KIT) and the denkbares GmbH. It is funded as a ZIM-KOOP8 project by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI).

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