!! Introduction

The testing application provides a simple command line based application to run automated tests on d3web knowledge bases. It can be integrated easily into the overall knowledge base development workflow. For example, by using a corresponding script (e.g. using the ANT-toolkit) it can be triggered automatically to run on a regular schedule.

The provided application should be operated and configured by experienced users having basic skills in command line execution. The application is designed to be integrated into a continuous process, thus called by a script when a new version of a knowledge base is created or on regular schedule by a cron-job (e.g. every night). There is no graphical user-interface is included as its primary use is the non-manual execution.

!! Installation

! Download
The tool is contained in the distribution of d3web.KnowWE. Therefore, the most recent version can be downloaded with the open source release from sourceforge.
Alternatively, the nightly build of the pure Testing-App can be downloaded directly from the build server [here|https://isci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/hudson/job/d3web-core/de.uniwue.d3web$d3web-Plugin-TestingFramework/].  

! System Requirements
The installation requires the following components to be installed:
* Oracle Java 6 or better (http://www.java.com)

! Command line parameters

The application comes in two installation variants: An executable java version and a MS-Windows executable. For both variants the required libraries (lib) are included. 
The application is started by double-clicking the executable (jar or exe). Alternatively, you can use the command line version for more options:
{{{> java –jar TestingApp.jar [OPTIONS]}}}

The available options are as follows (the default values are given in parentheses)://
-k name of the knowledge base file to be tested (knowledgebase.d3web)//
-t name of the test configuration file (TestConfig.txt)//
-o name of the test report output file (build_<timestamp>.xml)//
-help showing a help description of these parameters//
-? showing a help description of these parameters//

Write Testing-App description.

@user: Jochen Reutelshöfer