!!! Tutorial: Getting started

This tutorial describes how to set up d3Web-KnowWE on your computer:
*  __Installation__:\\ This tutorial describes how to install d3web-KnowWE on your system: [d3web-KnowWE Quickstart] (see also: [Screencast: Install d3web-KnowWE|Tutorial#Install d3web-KnowWE])
* __Change wikicontent location__:\\ This tutorial describes how to change the location of your wikicontent: [d3web-KnowWE -  change wikicontent location]
* __Change user access rights__:\\ This tutorial describes how to change the user rights for your KnowWE-Wiki: [d3web-KnowWE -  change user rights for KnowWE]
* __Hosting multiple wikis:__\\ This tutorial describes how to host multiple KnowWE-Wikis: [d3web-KnowWE - host multiple wikis]

!!! Tutorial: Printer Problems

This tutorial describes the development of a knowledge base for solving printer problems: 
* [Set-up and general overview|Tutorial Printer Problems]
* [Defining terms (questions & solutions)|Tutorial Printer Problem - Terminology]
* [Defining DiaFlux knowledge|Tutorial Printer Problem - DiaFlux]
* [Automated testing with test cases and continuous integration|Tutorial Printer Testcases]
The knowledge base itself is defined within the tutorial, so it is ready to use.

!!! Screencasts

!! Prepare Project

This screen cast shows how to prepare an IntelliJ IDEA project für d3web-KnowWE on your system:\\

!! Check out d3web-KnowWE source code

This screen cast shows how to check out the sources of d3web-KnowWE from the version control system in IntelliJ IDEA:\\

!! Import d3web-KnowWE modules

This screen cast shows how to import checked out d3web-KnowWE sources as modules in an IntelliJ IDEA project:\\

!!Install d3web-KnowWE

This screen cast describes how to install d3web-KnowWE on your system:\\

!!Use d3web-KnowWE

This screen cast shows how to execute a testing session:\\


TODO: Screencasts
# Get Flash-Plugin working again
# Create YouTube-Channel d3web 
# Install and run KnowWE
# Use printer fault diagnosis example 2 (use dialog and show reasoning trace)
# Change small knowledge piece in knowledge base (e.g. add one question, change DiaFlux path)


printerProblems tutorial GettingStarted screencasts