BMI Demo
BMI Demo
This simple knowledge base derives the body-mass-index (BMI) of a person based on the weight and height. Please note that this is a simple example for demonstration uses!

The BMI is calculated using DiaFlux models, where first the "Height" and "Weight" is asked to the user. Then, the value of the abstraction "bmi" is derived, when values for the aforementioned questions are known. Final solutions are derived depending on the result of the calculated value of "bmi".

Interview and Solutions#

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The Knowledge Base#

BMI Demo
Terminology Definitions:

Startquestionaire #1 - Height [num] (0.1 3) {m} - Weight [num] (1 300) {kg} - bmi [num] <abstract>
BMI Demo
Weight Assessment
Normal weight
Heavy overweight
BMI Demo