health-00to19CI CD Demo0 %Build running...
Build #125 (Dec 7, 2024, 4:06:44 PM) in 241 msec.
ArticleHasErrors( .* ): Failure: test 'ArticleHasErrors', object 'Demo - Simpsons Visualization'

FAILURE: errors found in article 'Demo - Simpsons Visualization'
  • The annotation @linkMode is not known to system. It will be ignored.

1 test object tested with failures
Runtime: 6ms
TermnameConvention( ((?!ST-BMI).)* "[0-9a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß#_():/.,\- ]*" ): Failure: test 'TermnameConvention', object 'Ling'

FAILURE: The following terms do not comply to the specified naming convention pattern ([0-9a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß#_():/.,\- ]*):
  • He isn't doing anything
  • What is John doing?
  • Who does John hate?
  • 玛丽
(test object: Ling)
1 test object tested with failures
Runtime: 8ms
ArticleContains( .* FixMe: )
EmptyQuestionnaire( "Demo - Master" )
TestCase( "^Demo - Test Cases.*" "Demo - Master" )