1. Definition#

The underlying data structure of an article in KnowWE is a Tree, called KDOM. The entire article itself is the root of the tree, different sections of the article are children of the root and can have subsections (or children) recursively.

Each section has an attribute object type, which defines the nature of the section and the object types of allowed subsections.

2. Common Object Types#

ObjectType Name/Description
Kopic Knowledge
QuestionnairesSection Questionnaires-section
QuestionsSection Questions-section
SolutionsSection Solutions-section
CoveringListSection SetCoveringList-section
RulesSection Rules-Section

3. XML Object Types#

XML object types are object types of sections that are defined by XML tags inside an article. A section with the XML object type QuestionsSection, for example, is defined in an article as follows:

4. Assigning an own ID to XML sections#

For sections defined by xml tags it is possible to assign own attributes like an ID. The following example shows the definition of a section of the XML object type QuestionsSection with an own ID abc.
<Question-section id="abc">