This page (revision-22) was last changed on 17-Dec-2012 21:30 by Tim Baier-Loewenstein

This page was created on 17-Dec-2012 09:21 by Daniel Zügner

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
22 17-Dec-2012 21:30 1 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous
21 17-Dec-2012 17:40 1 KB constin to previous | to last

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!!!How to develop Javascript in KnowWE at runtime
Having to restart and rebuild KnowWE after every minor change when developing Javascript (or CSS) can be very time-consuming. There is a simple way to be able to develop without restarting.
!!!How to develop javascript in KnowWE without restarting after every change
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!!Step by step:
*In your IDE, navigate to:
Having to restart and rebuild KnowWE after every minor change when developing Javascript (or CSS) can be very time-consuming. There are two simple ways to be able to develop without restarting.
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*In this folder you find the relevant .js files (if they were integrated into the plugin properly before)
*Right click the file you wish to edit and select
{{{Open with System Editor}}}
*To edit the file with your system's default editor
{{{Open with Text Editor}}}
*To edit the file with Eclipse's built-in plain text editor.
!!Working on file in target folder
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__Note__: CSS files are located in \\
*in your IDE, navigate to:
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*in this folder you find the relevant .js files (if they were integrated into the plugin properly before)
*right click the file you wish to edit and select
>>''Open with System Editor''
*to edit the file with your system's default editoror
>>''Open with Text Editor''
*to edit the file with Eclipse's built-in plain text editor.
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%%(color: red)
When finished editing or before you restart KnowWE, you __have to copy and paste the file's content into the respective file in your plugin project!__
If you don't, the file you edited will be __replaced with the old file from your plugin__.
__Note__: CSS files are located in
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!!Working with browser-integrated editing tool
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howto Javascript