add project and/or company logo
add logo from KIT
Fix error in test "Leaking air intake system (Demo)".
Review this page.

  • Describe: What is a product, application and module?
  • Describe actual products / applications
Albrecht Striffler CLOSED
Developer How-Tos
  • How to develop javascript in KnowWE without restarting after every change
Daniel Zügner CLOSED
Developer How-Tos
  • How to create your own workspace (transfer and update from uni page)
Daniel Zügner CLOSED
Developer How-Tos
  • How to add js and css files to your project
Lukas Brehl CLOSED
Developer How-Tos
  • How do extensions and extensionpoints work
  • How do I use the scope of an extension?
Lukas Brehl CLOSED
Start this page by adding some headlines, table of contents, some introductory words. Every How-To gets its own little section with a short description who the How-To shows and then a link to the page with the actual how to
Lukas Brehl CLOSED
Set this page up, add table of contents and some introductory words. Every question is its own small headline with the answer directly below.
Christian Henniger DEFERRED
Check for usefull stuff to add to How-Tos and/or FAQ. Go through page index.
Daniel Zügner CLOSED
Write Testing-App description.
Jochen Reutelshöfer CLOSED
Improve this page... more examples, more complete (eval(...) an such)
Tim Baier-Loewenstein CLOSED
List example knowledge bases from tutorials here and add a short description for each.
Tim Baier-Loewenstein CLOSED
Developer FAQ
Daniel Zügner CLOSED
Developer Wiki
  • d3web Code snipplets: Example for (use Uni and release notes)
    • Load knowledge base (and save)
    • Create a new Session
    • Run a session and read derived solutions
    • Save session / load session
Markus Friedrich CLOSED
Developer Wiki
  • Description: d3web package and module structure
Markus Friedrich CLOSED
Developer How-Tos
  • How to create your own plugin project (transfer and update from uni page, add some pictures and stuff)
Johanna Latt CLOSED
Developer FAQ
Christian Henniger CLOSED
Rework the page and re-link the downloads to sourceforge.
Lukas Brehl CLOSED
CareMate: Check, whether movie can be put on the web page and write a small success story. Volker unterstützt
Constantin Rieder CLOSED
Create new home screen of the d3web wiki.
Volker Belli CLOSED